Leaders League Transfer Pricing Ranking

January 15, 2021

We have great news!

TPC Group has been recognized for the second year in a row by the French leader’s league in its 2021 ranking as one of the excellent firms in Peru for transfer pricing services.

Once again we have demonstrated our fundamental support for the success of our clients in front of the regulations and norms imposed in each country regarding Transfer Pricing.

How have we achieved this recognition?

We have an excellent multidisciplinary team specialized in this area that allowed us to achieve our objectives of providing an excellent service with high quality standards.

We recognize that we achieve success with the support of our clients and collaborators. Therefore, we thank our clients for their loyalty and trust towards us and our committed collaborators.

Get the complete list of the Leader League ranking here: Leader League Ranking

Source : Ranking Leaders League
Logo ranking firm 2021 LL